Long-Distant Photo Healing

Long-Distant ( Photo ) healing

The term psychokinesis (PK) (from the Greek, "psyche", meaning mind, soul, heart, or breath; and "kinesis", meaning motion; literally "movement from the mind"),also known as telekinesis(TK) (Greek, literally “distant-movement”), refers to the direct influence of mind on another physical system which is done ‘remotely’ or at a distance. 

Psychokinesis, can’t be performed by violition alone. To have an effect on an object at a distance several things are required. The first thing, is one needs to use one’s imagination to hold an image in one’s mind, to provide a pattern, thought form or intention for the movement of one’s energy. The second thing, is one needs to build up power or a force of increased vibrational energy in the body, which can be also seen as ‘emotional energy’ or charge building up via activation of nervous system and this charge being held in body vibration in the muscles. The third thing is one needs a relative medium or body through which the power can work, which is the end point or object of one’s focus, what one wants to act upon. It is not possible to change things without having an object to work upon. In absent healing we act upon energetic objects, and even though we can’t see them, this doesn’t make them less real.

All changes in conditions in the world are brought about thru psychokinesis, which is a natural process of creation, employed unconsciously by everyone to greater or lesser degrees. The physical world is literally created out of our collective actions, which all action has at base ‘a thought’ as the seed to create it, and thus the physical world is a ‘reflection of thought’.

To do psychokinesis consciously is what long-distance healers are attempting to do when giving an ‘absent healing’ ( remote healing / long-distance healing). One is trying to transform one’s intention (idea), into desire (emotion) and then into completed action on an object - but doing so at a ‘distance’.

Signs that one is being effective in one’s remote healing:

When one is able to sustain quiet mind for longer periods, then it will feel like one has fallen asleep, and like one is sort of ‘out in the cosmos’ or ‘out of body’. Sensations in one’s own body are remote, like at a distance, yet, one can still feel sensations and might even recognize pain in one’s own body as healing takes place, but one doesn’t react to it, it is easily passed through. 

One can easily observe energy flows rapidly passing all over the body, in all kinds of figure eight and spiral patterns. An hour session can go by in what seems to be a few minutes. It is also common to experience enhanced hearing of outer sounds, and to see a starry background in one’s mind’s eye (eyes closed of course) and to hear cosmic sounds or tones in one’s ears, such as a melodic sound or the sound of a train. 

If one opens one’s eyes, one will see sparks of light in the air, and a kind of moving picture view of the world, but doing so can easily take one out of the deep meditative state.

While one is in this state, one might receive images from intuition, or from the 3rd eye, that don’t come from mind activity. They just pop up into view and one can trust the information contained in them to be helpful for healing yourself or the other. While the above is the ideal session, in reality, it takes quite a bit of practise and probably years of doing daily meditation before one is able to sustain quiet mind and have such a session for a whole hour. What is important is the more you practise, the better you will get at it and every second you can be truly quiet is what counts, as in that moment you are one with all, and are not ony helping to heal others but also you are healing yourself. 

Irwan Rompas

Jalan : Eceng No.45 Bandung-40263
West-Java, Indonesia

Email : saudagar.ilmu@yahoo.com